A fleet of more than 1750 pieces of plant and equipment.

More than 6000 Sq. M. of Air-conditioned & modern Office facilities in the Capital Area.
In addition to this office facility, we have a large office facility available within the Central Facilities of GPS in Barka and Jiffnain (Under construction). All project locations are also equipped with most modern office facilities.

Accommodation facilities available at various Interior project locations. This is in addition to various accommodation facilities available within the Capital Area including the 1200 Man Camp in our Central Facilities at Barka.

Central Fabrication shop and related infrastructure is located within the Central Facilities in Barka. Additionally, several fabrication and workshop facilities are available at Interior locations as part of our project site facilities. Total Area of this facilities is approx. 120,000 Sq. M.

More than 8000 Sq. M. of workshop facilities with necessary tools and instruments are located within the Central Facilities.

Over 8000 Sq. M. of covered storage and 25000 Sq. M. of open storage area is available.